بشرى سارة بخصوص موقع دكتورة وفاء سلطان - دوري

عاد موقع الدكتورة وفاء بيمن الله ورعايته للنشر ومزاولة النشاط ندعوا الجميع للعودة وزيارة الموقع

تابعوا قصة سجينة الفتاة السعودية

قصتي مع فتاة سعودية
قصة حقيقية ومن الواقع وتجسد معاناة المرأة السعودية
تم نشر القصة
صرخة فتاة سعودية ونداء استغاثة من داخل المملكة
"اخرجوني من هذا الجحيم"
اهداء لاصدقائي بموقع دوري

My new mission for 2011 from within, from within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the birthplace of Mohammad.
"Zaina" A Saudi young lady shares her ordeal , agony and misery under the Islamic rule while living in Saudi Arabia , a prisoner and hostage in her own country and home. a sad but true story,,,

Jehad Alawneh interview on ITF web site

Dear Friends, ladies and gents, please visit the ITF web site, and please read and comment on Jehad Alawneh interview, its very easy to comment, at the bottom of the interview, there is a box, enter your name and any comment, u do not need to be a member, u do not need to sign up and we do not require your e mail. very simple, please give us your feedback, the interview is excellent and is worthy of reading and commenting. please use this link:

تابعو مقابلة الكاتب الاردني جهاد العلاونه

تم نشر المقابلة باللغة العربية والانجليزية
Don't miss the interview with the Jordanian writer Jihad Alawneh published below

Todays message

اهلاً وسهلاُ بجميع الأصدقاء والصديقات ويشرفني وارحب بزوار الموقع من موقع الدكتورة وفاء سلطان وتلفزيون دوري واخص بالذكر الكاتب الاردني جهاد علاونه ,الكاتب السوري نضال نعيسة والكاتب العراقي والشاعر رياض الحبيّب الصديق مجد وهالة سامية و علياء و مريم
و الزعيم ابن الطبيعة و زياد وجيمس و جانيت والحج روندي والدكتور نبيل بارون والأصدقاء من موقع الحوار المتمدن واخص بالذكر فواز محمد .
قررت اضافة مواضيع باللغة العربية الى المواضيع المكتوبة باللغة الانجليزية لافساح المجال واعطاء الفرصة لعدد اكبر من الزوار خصوصاٌ للأصدقاء من الوطن العربي ومتكلمين اللغة العربية من المشاركة والأطلاع والتعليق اذا شاؤوا أهلاً وسهلاً بالجميع.
Welcome to all my friends and guests especially my visitors from the ITF web site, please feel free to participate and comment on any topic. I have decided to expand and include some topics in Arabic to allow for others especially from the muslim world to participate and in order for the message to reach as many people as possible

Dedication and Words of Wisdom:

To my dear friends, welcome to my blog. This blog is a dedication to my brothers , sisters and good friends at the ITF, ASK, and Ummat-Al-Kuffar ,Dawry TV., alhiwar almoutamaden.
تلفزيون دوري والأصدقاء من موقع الحوار

please visit them on below links.

Please take the time to read the topics I posted below, feel free to comment.

To my dear muslim friends, you are also welcome here, this is not a hate site nor it is an anti Islam propaganda and it is not an Islamophobes hangout. please feel free to comment and participate in debate,dialog and discussions .

Final message, lets all work together in making this world a better and safer place, and lets keep those islamists, radicals ,fanatics and terrorists in check, and lets hope that we will live in peace and harmony.

Infidels Task Force - ITF



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What religion inspires a father to kill his own daughter?

Another very sad story indeed,added to the many others showing the brutality of Islam , another murder committed by a Muslim Iraqi father, where he took the life of his 20 yr old beautiful daughter Noor in Arizona, as we all know I had few similar stories in the past on this blog, see the story of the 2 sisters in Texas Sarah and Aminah that were killed by their Egyptian Muslim father , the story of Sultan and his wife Rana Sawahra that was killed by her Muslim Palestinian father in Jordan. I also had a story of a Muslim Saudi father that killed his daughter in Saudi Arabia for converting to Christianity.Its becoming clear that Islam is the only religion that inspires a father to kill his own daughter.
see the details below from the ITF web site / Blackbootjack :

Exclusive: How Do You Plead, Guilty or Not Guilty? ‘I Plead Muslim!’

Gadi Adelman

"She was strong, beautiful, really caring, she was always willing to help people." This was the description of Noor Almaleki (pictured left) according to one of her co-workers from the Applebee’s in Glendale, Arizona.

Her caring came to end on October 20, 2009 when her own father, Faleh Hassan Almaleki ran her down with his Jeep Cherokee. Noor fought for her life until Monday November 2, 2009, when she succumbed and died from her injuries. Noor was only 20 years old. Her father didn’t just run over Noor; at the time he ran her down, she was walking in a parking lot with her fiancé’s mother, Amal Edan Khalaf. The 43-year-old Amal Edan Khalaf was seriously injured.

This tragic story made national headlines when it was revealed that the girl’s father, Faleh Hassan Almaleki, deliberately targeted his daughter and attacked her for becoming too “Westernized.”

Nicole Furugia worked with Noor at Applebee's, and stayed in touch with her until her death.

But her employment there, like her life, was short lived. "She came in all frantic one day and asked me to cover her shift because her father found out where she worked," said Furugia. "She had to quit her job, and she had to move."

"She was a good person, and moral," according to Noor's friend Sharlee Caudle. "Most parents would be glad to have a child like that." Her friends described her as an aspiring model and actress, working and going to school.

I spoke with her former manager on the telephone, Chad Wilcoxon, and he told me “that Noor had to quit due to her dad,” she called one day and said “I have to quit due to family reasons.” He told me that “her death affected everyone here.” As we spoke, he explained, “I only worked with her for one month. I didn’t even know she was Iraqi.”

I wanted to get to know Noor before writing this story; she had pages on Facebook and MySpace. She had lots of friends. She posted details about herself; she posted a photo on a Web site for aspiring models and actresses. She lived with her boyfriend and his mother. But as I worked to track down people who knew her, I came upon some interesting twists to this story that I had not heard before.

Some friends of Noor said that her father had taken her to Iraq and told her they were visiting relatives. Once there, he married her off and left her to fend for herself. Noor then had to find enough money to make her way back to America and, once here, she moved in with the fiancé she loved. Furugia said she had gone with Noor to look into getting a restraining order against her father. "She was very determined on getting it, she was scared."

Family members told police that the father was upset that his daughter failed to live by traditional Muslim values, and prosecutors have also said Almaleki has admitted killing his daughter because she disgraced the family by not following traditional Iraqi or Muslim values. Faleh Hassan Almaleki was charged with first-degree murder, aggravated assault and two counts of leaving the scene of a serious accident. Police said Almaleki fled the country after the attack, driving to Mexico and later taking a plane to London. He was detained by British authorities and extradited back to the United States.

Speaking before a Maricopa County judge, county prosecutor Stephanie Low said Almaleki has admitted purposefully running down his daughter. Low indicated that Mr. Almaleki does not deny that his actions were intended to harm and even kill Noor:

“By his own admission, this was an intentional act and the reason was that his daughter had brought shame on him and his family,” Low said. “This was an attempt at an honor killing.”

Arizona, like 35 other states, currently has the death penalty and there are 133 people on death row. Obviously, a heinous crime such as one murdering one’s own child with premeditation would result in the death penalty if found guilty.
But not in this case, no:
the decision not to seek the death penalty was taken after Almaleki's attorney, Billy Little, a public defender, asked the judge to take special precautions to ensure that the County and Attorney's Office wouldn't wrongly seek the death penalty because…Almaleki is a Muslim.

Further, Little requested that the office make public the process it uses to determine whether to seek capital punishment. "An open process provides some level of assurance that there is no appearance that a Christian is seeking to execute a Muslim for racial, political, religious or cultural beliefs," Little wrote, referring to County Attorney Andrew Thomas' Christian faith.

Laura Reckart, a county prosecutor, responded that Little's concern about the "supposed bias" of the office's death penalty review process was "without legitimate factual or legal basis." She wrote that the state can seek the death penalty for any person convicted of first-degree murder if it can prove the existence of at least one aggravating factor, not because of religion.

However, the debate stopped there. On February 16th, Reckart filed a motion indicating prosecutors would not seek the death penalty. Mike Scerbo, a spokesman for the County Attorney's Office, issued the following statement on February 19th:

"The defendant is charged with first degree murder and, if convicted, will spend the rest of his life in prison. As is in all first degree murder cases, the decision on whether to seek the death penalty is made on a case by case basis. Cultural considerations played no part in the decision not to seek the death penalty." In other words, the clear message is this: this was an “honor killing,” this was religiously motivated and we as Americans have to take this into consideration and, as such, we should remove the death penalty from the table in such cases.

In my previous article “One Nation under Allah” I touched on this very subject of Sharia law. I explained that “the United Nations estimates that as many as 5,000 women are murdered in such honor killings each year for offenses like immodesty or refusing an arranged marriage…

The situation here is not whether Faleh Hassan Almaleki deserves the death penalty. It is totally irrelevant which side of the death penalty argument you advocate. This decision should concern each and every one of us because of the big picture. By removing the death penalty from this case, Maricopa County is setting a precedent that will have ramifications far reaching and far beyond the death penalty. This is only the beginning of a slippery slope that none of us should allow.

America has a Constitution, we have laws and we have freedoms. None of these laws are specific to only certain citizens; they apply to all of us, or at least that was the way our Founding Fathers envisioned it. When we as a nation start to pick and choose certain rules for certain people or religions or cultures, where does it end? Would it come as a surprise if someone charged with domestic violence or wife battery gets a lesser charge because he is a Muslim? It is only a matter of time before that will happen, now that this precedent has been set.

While Noor was fighting for her life her brother, Peter-Ali Almaleki, said that he loved his sister and that should she not have to be suffering from her injuries. But he added that the family lives by different cultural values. "One thing to one culture doesn't make sense to another culture," he added. So because "one thing to one culture doesn't make sense to another culture,” should we allow the laws, the rules and our values to be changed to align with another culture’s values, no matter what is enshrined in our Constitution?

I noticed during my research that one blogger wrote, "If you want to murder somebody in America, be sure to convert to Islam first." I think that sentence speaks volumes.

Here is what I propose: like I always say, speak up and do something about it. Our future generations will suffer at the hands of killers like Almaleki and the courts who will protect them simply with pseudo-Islamic Sharia law. Share your feelings with Maricopa County.

Mr. Billy Little
Maricopa County Public Defender’s Office
620 W Jackson Street, Suite 4015, Phoenix AZ 85003
Phone: 602-506-2200 602-506-2200 Fax: 602-506-1865

Maricopa County Attorney's office 602-506-3411 602-506-3411

I dedicate this article to Noor Almaleki and to the hundreds of thousands of other women who have died in the name of “honor.”

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Infidels Victory- ASK and ITF need to celebrate

Well dear Infidels, and good friends, let me share this great news with all of you.

I am sure you all remember Jihad Jane , Fatima LaRose, real name Colleen, Colleen La Rose, the American from PA that converted to Islam, well guess what she was arrested today and Charged With Recruiting Violent Jihadist Fighters and will go to jail now, she is all over the national News , FOX News,...etc.

I am sure many of you saw her posts on my channel and many of you had your runs with her, , but I will have to give credit to our friend Fury that took time to call the FBI and reported the loser, finally she is out of the internet and out of the streets and she is where she belongs , in the lock up "jail"

So now the ITF has 2 reasons to celebrate, one is our 1 year anniversary and the second is the the arrest of Jihad Jane (Colleen La Rose) , The american convert to Islam for her Jihadist and fanatic / extremists activities,and let me share with you how the ITF played a role in her arrest. We "ITF" came to know Colleen on YT and she used the name Jihad Jane , she showed her extremists views and desire for Jihad, she was always bragging and celebrating when americans are killed, ...etc. so the ITFstarted a campaign to take her YT channel down and we managed to do that, then she came back with a new name Fatima La Rose, and the same nonsense started all over with her radical and extreme views, at this time , one of the ITF lady members decided to take it further, we knew this radicals first name and she gave out her last name in her new Fatima La Rose name , so this lady was able to locate her in what state she resided, and she called the local FBI office in that state and tipped them off to Colleen. I remember when she called me to tell me that she had reported Colleen to the FBI. and I praised her and thanked her, few months passed, and we heard nothing until yesterday when the story hit the news all TV networks and stations aired the story of the arrest of this radical muslim convert Jihad Jane (Colleen La Rose) ,where she was trying to recruit Jihadists and she was also planning to go to Europe and kill the cartoonest that drew the cartoons of mohammad.

So one down and many more to go, lets keep an eye on all these terrorists.

I call this a victory to all infidels, ITF,ASK and all our brothers and sisters and friends, and we will have more victories and we will clean the internet and our country from these scum bags.

Jihad Jane , Fatima La Rose, Colleen LaRose enjoy your long vacation. now you get to bend over all u want in Jail.

Please watch video on the ITF media channel COMA2009:

Read some of the e mails from Jihad Jane AKA Fatima La Rose to me on the ITF web site, forums section

check out the news,FOX NEWS

Monday, March 8, 2010

How do Kafirs deal with children & How do Muslims deal with children

Its sad how in the muslim world children are neglected. They have dozen kids and throw them to the streets and forget them, however In the kafir west and from my personal experience living here in the USA for more than half of my life, and I see see the parents getting their children involved in all kinds of activities, sports art, dancing ,...etc. , you see them running around with their children, to encourage them , so they can turn out good children , with clean minds and become successful. and one example was the young Americans at the Olympics and their achievements with 36 medals, leading the entire world .

Now we ask, What do children learn in the muslim world especially in the countries that are controlled by islamist? thats when they get involved in religion and thats how they get brainwashed, and they teach them to hate, that they would consider going on suicide missions to kill the kafir in hope ofthe 72 Houris in heaven, they become desperate, they have nothing to look forward to. Thats how they become, radicals and terrorists.

Its sad how 1.5 billion muslims have almost zero presence in these world competitions in sports, like the Olympics, they are absent, they dont exist, when will we see muslim countries in the top with medal counts, this will only be a dream as long as muslims keep behaving the way they are now, and as long as they keep this backward mentality, and as long as they keep their priorities in this messed up order, with religion being the #1 priority and almost the only priority. their children turn out haters, they may be masters in pulling the detonator on an explosive belt, but unfortunately such sport is not offered , nor it is part of the Olympics. and Ninja figure skating for women is not on the program as of today (that may change in the future though smile ).

It makes me sad to see how the children are not priority in the muslim world, its sad how they ruin these kids minds , its sad how they do not dedicate time to educate these kids and help them build and develop the necessary skills, become active in sports and art. everything is haram, music is haram , swimming is haram....etc. I have written on this issue in this site a topic of how even here in the USA, female students are getting out of swimming classes because it is haram and the mosque is providing a letter to the school saying that it is against the religion for the girls to participate in the swimming class.

In this post I intend to show how the west and especially in the American society that I live in the parents play a very positive role in how they raise their children and provide them with the support and nourishment to build their skills and personality and set them up to be successful in life. Its evident if we observe the average American family and its involvement with their children daily activities. What makes this country more special and very impressive is the different organizations and government agencies that are specialized in dealing with the children and the welfare of children, these agencies provide the necessary means to address children needs and care for them, and protect them. Also even on the individual effort, when you have someone like Bill Gates who pledges and donates $10 BILLION of his own money to help children in 3rd world countries,poor countries and developing countries , in Africa and even in the muslim world to fight disease ,by providing the necessary vaccine to help save these children, the vaccine will reduce dramatically child mortality in the world’s poorest countries. It is calculated that his pledge alone could save more than eight million lives.

Bill Gates with his generous donation in fighting disease like Malaria , and other disease that affect children, is one example of many well known Americans that are working hard to save the children in the world among them many Hollywood celebrities.

Lets also not forget these generouse Americans that donate millions to schools, colleges and universities as they believe education and educating children should be a top priority to raise good generations and ensure that they will have good future ahead of them and they will turn out as successful members in the society, among those David Booth who donate $300 million to the University of Chicago, and recently an old lady that died at 100 years old had left a small college in Illinois (Lake Forest college) $7 million , these are the american people and this is where they focus , education is #1 priority.

Now If we shift to the muslim world and specifically the rich countries, the oil producing countries, Saudi Arabia, UAE,Kuwait, Iraq, Iran,Qatar...etc. with the billions of $ and all these rich royalties, shiekhs and princesses , can we think of one or any donating Billions to save children in their own muslim world and not in the kafir west? its amazing how the west is more human and more caring and more sensitive to the children needs and well being, while the muslim world is completely oblivious to these needs.

Thats the difference between islam and the muslim world on one side and the kafir in the west on the other side , when it comes to children . the west protects them and educate them while the muslim world makes them vulnerable and subject them to abuse, physically, mentally and sexually , neglect them and even provide the legal cover to rape them as the quran and the behavior of mohammad was one example of allowing child rape in Islam as he did Aisha the 9 yr old child.and education is not priority however madrasa and quran school is priority as this is the place where they brainwash the kids and teach them to hate.

This is the sad reality that muslims do not see nor acknowledge.

I welecome the feedback,